Country Club Hills (CCH) Transition Program
Monique Childs-Chatman, Principal
About Our School
The Country Club Hills Tech and Trade Center Transition Program is for young adults, ages 18-22, with unique learning, behavioral, social and emotional needs. This program helps prepare our Trainees for adulthood by providing career exploration, customized employment, specialized vocational and academic instruction embedded with Social Emotional Learning, and comprehensive support services.
Classroom instruction provides students with individualized strategies that are tailor made to meet the unique needs of each student. Our staff provide Trainees with frequent feedback, that is positive in nature, regarding their behavior and skills as they engage with others during the school day and while in the community. As Trainees continue to refine their skills, they have opportunities to generalize and apply their newly developed skills in various activities out in the community with the support of staff members.
The Transition Program also utilizes a pay level system to teach and reinforce LABOR expectations and the related skills needed to meet those expectations. Trainees earn work points by participating in assigned tasks and activities. Behavior points are earned for appropriate behavior. Bonus Points may be earned for meeting their LABOR expectations. Trainees enter our program on Level One and progress to Level Four. Students receive bi-monthly paychecks that are calculated based on the number of points earned and the Trainee’s pay level.
Students who are not engaged in the learning process and cannot be easily redirected or re-engaged are referred to the Unemployment Office. The focus while in this space is on teaching and reinforcing prosocial behaviors utilizing a variety of non-restrictive behavioral interventions that are consistent with the student’s behavior intervention plan.
Our holistic educational approach, that is modeled after real life experiences in the workplace, learning environment, and community is designed to support each Trainee as they strive to reach their individualized level of independence.
Our Kids
Frequently Asked Questions
Children are placed at Country Club Hills (CCH) Transition Program through the home or attending school with the child’s IEP team. The school determines that they are unable to support the student at their campus and a recommendation is made for the student to receive their services in a Level D placement. The parent, student and administrator will review the IEP and additional information and determine if our school is the best option for supporting the students needs.
As a special education private day program, we KNOW that all students need to be in school everyday. We do not suspend or expel our students for any reason and we Never Give Up on our students.
We offer transportation services through the Home School District and our own private transportation services. Please contact the school administrator for more information.
Yes, an Individualized Education Plan is developed by a team that includes the child, their family, teachers, counselors, and other educational professionals.
Every school in our organization provides counseling services to students that require counseling services. In addition we offer Speech and Occupational therapy as identified by the child’s IEP.
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