Fox Tech Transition Program (North Aurora)
(630) 907-2400
Beth Anderson, Program Director
About Our School
The Fox Tech Transition Program is dedicated to providing a safe platform for young adults, 9th grade through 22 years of age.
Our program helps them prepare for their next phase by providing a supportive environment for career exploration, skill development, health and wellness, behavior regulation, and independent living.
Facilitators offer personalized real-world experiences to maximize each participant’s independence.
Students gradually transition through different placements, practicing new skills and behaviors in a safe environment. The program assesses their skills through hands-on projects and student-led businesses. As students progress, they demonstrate employability skills such as problem solving, effective communication, time-management, self-advocacy, community integration, transportation, adaptive living skills, and related work behaviors.
Our Kids
How can my child attend your school?
Children are placed at Fox Tech Transition Program (North Aurora) through the home or attending school with the child’s IEP team. The school determines that they are unable to support the student at their campus and a recommendation is made for the student to receive their services in a Level D placement. The parent, student and administrator will review the IEP and additional information and determine if our school is the best option for supporting the students needs.
As a special education private day program, we KNOW that all students need to be in school everyday. We do not suspend or expel our students for any reason and we Never Give Up on our students.
We offer transportation services through the Home School District and our own private transportation services. Please contact the school administrator for more information.
We serve a variety of students with IEPs, 504 Plans, and General Education — any student needing additional educational or behavioral support.
Every school in our organization provides counseling services to students that require counseling services. In addition we offer Speech and Occupational therapy as identified by the child’s IEP.
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